Air Quality Information

The Air Quality Index (AQI) is a measurement that helps us understand air pollution levels, and how they may impact the natural environment and human health. The higher the AQI, the greater the level of air pollution. The AQI provides an easy way to determine whether you should enjoy the outdoors as usual or should consider planning an indoor activity to reduce exposure to elevated levels of polluted air. The AQI includes six categories and when forecasted conditions are expected to reach 126 or higher for ground-level ozone, a Spare The Air alert is issued.

The Air Quality Index (AQI) is a measurement that helps us understand air pollution levels, and how they may impact the natural environment and human health. The higher the AQI, the greater the level of air pollution. The AQI provides an easy way to determine whether you should enjoy the outdoors as usual or should consider planning an indoor activity to reduce exposure to elevated levels of polluted air. The AQI includes six AQI categories and when forecasted conditions are expected to reach 126 or higher for ground-level ozone, a Spare The Air alert is issued.




Very Unhealthy




Unhealthy for sensitive groups





301+ – Hazardous

201-300 – Very Unhealthy

151-200 – Unhealthy

100-150 – Unhealthy for sensitive groups

50-100 – Moderate

0-50 – Good

0 – 50 is Good


Air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk.


51 – 100 is Moderate


Air quality is acceptable. However, there may be a risk for some people, particularly those who are unusually sensitive to air pollution.


101 – 150 is Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups


Members of sensitive groups may experience health effects. The general public is less likely to be affected.


151 – 200 is Unhealthy


Some members of the general public may experience health effects; members of sensitive groups may experience more serious health effects.


201 – 300 is Very Unhealthy


Health Alert: The risk of health effects is increased for everyone.


301+ is Hazardous


Health Warning of Emergency Conditions: Everyone is more likely to be affected.

Five major pollutants


EPA measures an AQI for five major air pollutants to protect public health including:

  • ground-level ozone
  • particle pollution (also known as particulate matter, including PM2.5 and PM10)
  • carbon monoxide
  • sulfur dioxide
  • nitrogen dioxide